Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last Post

This is Batman's last post.  Or rather his humans' last post as they grieve his passing.
Batman passed away due to his habit of eating things off the ground.  Unfortunately I wasn't familiar with fox baits but he ate one at around 7.30 on Monday 14th June during the normal morning walk.  He was fine up until mid morning (10.30ish?) when he vomited all his food from the morning up and then followed up by lots of convulsions and foaming at the mouth.  He expelled all his solids and liquid wastes and was clawing or paddling frantically.  After a number of these convulsions and us frantically calling for a local vet he passed away as we just got into the car and were heading to a vet.

He is buried with his basket under a tree in Howes Valley.

We will absolutely miss our favourite and best dog in the world.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

FIFA World Cup “Footy” Tipping

I’m branching out and have entered into my human’s work ‘footy’ (soccer in this case!) tipping competition.

Through a series of questions I have indicated my tips.  I do like it when they use the food as an option although I do have a tendency to head towards the left first…

This is round one:

France v Mexico  = France

Greece v Nigeria = Nigeria

Argentina v Korea Republic = Argentina

South Africa v Uruguay = Draw

Spain v Switzerland = Spain

Honduras v Chile = Chile

Brazil v Korea DPR = Draw

Ivory Coast v Portugal = Portugal

New Zealand v Slovakia = New Zealand

Italy v Paraguay = Italy

Japan v Cameroon = Japan

Netherlands v Denmark = Netherlands

Germany v Australia = Germany

Serbia v Ghana = Serbia

Algeria v Slovenia = Slovenia

England v USA = England

Argentina v Nigeria = Draw

Korea Republic v Greece = Korea Republic

Uruguay v France = Draw

South Africa v Mexico = Mexico

Monday, May 24, 2010

Howes Valley Visitors

We had a lot of visitors up at Howes Valley this weekend.  So many chances of someone feeding me!  Oooh how exciting.  Some of them even took me down to the dam so I could fascinate them with my frog catching and eating ability.

DSC07864 Please Ms Spud… I want some too!!! 

It got cold in the morning so someone made me wear my jacket. 

JacketDogThen… even after I played with them and put my dirty paws on all of them… they left one by one or two by two or some number by some number and left only my humans.  Where did they go and why did they leave me?  They just drove off!  *whimper* *bark* *whine*

Bye Adam and Sheetal.  It was fun growling at you Adam (but you scared me!)

Bye Ciaran and Georgie!

Bye Jonathan!

Bye Spud, Cathy and Pauly!

(Bye Nikki from the day before)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Helping out at Howes Valley

This is my new haircut!  It’s a bit chilly in terms of timing but at least I don’t have as many bad hair days.IMG_5180 

I’m helping out and checking on the progress of those floorboards.  The view from up here is pretty good… get back to work guys!


Um seriously I’m helping!  I’m just dreaming of ways to make this build go quicker…


Keep on working guys… I’m watching you.  Supervision is such hard work!


Saturday, March 6, 2010


Oops. I did it again! I raided the bin but was caught with the goodies on my towel. But hey... at least it was on the towel. Surely that counts for something?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Which tool?

I'm confused. Which one did you want again?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Puppy Tweets?

OK so I have a blog. Big deal. Lots of dogs have blogs. And some have Fa(r)cebook accounts too... but I draw the line at Twitter. I mean seriously what would I tweet? The fact that I am sleeping (again) or eating? Or looking at the fish or that a fish just did a somersault? I mean seriously!

According to this article: http://money.cnn.com/2010/01/21/news/companies/mattel_puppy_tweets/index.htm?cnn=yes&hpt=Sbin Mattel has released a product to allow a four legged friend to tweet.

An excerpt from the article below (I'll let you be the judge -- or in most cases your Humans can be the judge).

Puppy Tweets is a plastic tag with a sound and motion sensor that you attach to your pet's dog collar and connect its USB receiver to your computer. Then you create a Twitter account for your dog and enjoy updates all day from Sparky or whatever its name is on your computer or smartphone.

The tag is set with several pre-recorded tweets that are triggered by the dog's activities. So if he's running around, you might get a tweet that says "I finally caught that tail I've been chasing and...OOUUUCHH!"

If Sparky is napping, he'll tweet "Somedays it feels like my paw is permanently on the snooze button!" If he's making a ruckus, his tweet will let you know that as well, saying"YAHOOOOOOO! Somedays you just gotta get your bark on."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Yum bones!

Sometimes I get some really nice treats

- Posted using BlogPress from my human's iPhone

Which is the enter key?

They tell me that I can try blogging myself but I have no idea which key is what. Definitely not as interesting as watching the cursor moving around.

- Posted using BlogPress from human's iPhone